Getting tickets $3 a piece.

Cameron in line to get drinks and popcorn.

Alison and Colin sitting down and Summer coming into the row.

Cameron with his popcorn.

Robert, Summer and half a Bears fan.

We're ready. Got our seats, got our popcorn, got our drinks. Almost time for the previews.
I'm the one who prefers shows in the evening, remember? Well, I have to say that I had a really good time with my son, his wife, and my grandkids Cameron, Colin and Summer at the matinee today.
We saw The Pink Panther with Steve Martin, Kevin Kline and an actor who I recognized (he was the lead in The Professional) but can't remember his name right off. It was a good movie to see as a family because the slapstick was so broad and obvious it wasn't as if you were laughing at someone really getting into a bad situation. Kids know it is a farce - something too outrageous to be real.
I know the critics only gave it a "C" and perhaps that is because they felt it could have been more complex and clever in relation to the comedy - perhaps more satirical, but I found it too be a film to just relax and enjoy. It was just plain old time-out from worries entertainment.
You had to laugh. Steve Martin was fun to watch and it was obvious he was having fun with the character of Clouseau.
Besides the actual movie, what I appreciated was the opportunity to see a first-run movie in a very nice theater with my family in the town I live in. I appreciated that a lot. Thanks Bruce.
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