Some years ago I bought a little green car that was so old at the time I wouldn't let anyone call it by it's make - Mercedes-Benz. Now it is even older and to tell you the truth has been through some insults to its body, such as the cold rainy day for Thanksgiving 2004 when the windows fogged up and I steered it into the yellow post protecting a fire hydrant at Wal-Mart's parking lot. Okay, I don't want to think about that anymore.Well, of late the little green car has been having battery problems - although if the brand new battery runs down, we will know that they problem is the car charging the battery. But I will think more about that if I have to.
I called up to Advance Auto on North Street (US 6) to see 1) if they had a battery for a 1976 300D and 2) if they would put it in for me. They said they would . . . and they did, although it took the gentleman who did it for me quite a long time because . . . the battery was corroded to the connections and basically stuck to the pan it sat on.
That battery fought him every step of the way, but he was really nice and patient and didn't make me feel as if I were imposing on their service. I meant to get his name, but forgot.
Oh, well, when I was there, I also bought an oil filter because the car is old enough and rare enough that most oil change places don't stock them. So I head down to Express Oil and walk in with my filter explaining that this is a case where I have to bring my own. I don't think this happens too often, but they were understanding and went with the flow.
I was the only customer so the guys there sort of gravitated toward the old-timer. They got the job done quickly and then went to check the oil level which requires the car be turned off. The door opens and one of them asks, "Is there a trick to shutting the motor off?"
"Well, no," I respond and follow him into the garage bay. I slip into the driver's seat and turn the key . . . and that motor keeps on chugging. I did what they do in the movies. I sat there, waited a second and tried again. CHUG CHUG CHUG.
Gathering around the motor it became apparent I was going to have to drive the car to a service garage in Fort Wayne that is familiar with it - or just get in and drive it off into a cornfield, set the brake and let if run out of gas.
Then one of them put two parts that looked like they should go together but were apart back together. The car stopped. Everyone looked at each other . . . and then there was this question: Would it start???
Another question: Would it stop? YES.
Little Greenie rides again . . . although for a moment I thought it was turning into a vengeful car like Christine in the Stephen King novel.
I have to say the people working at Express Oil and Advance Auto were extremely nice and if this is part of living in a small town, well then, that's okay with me.
I took some pictures of the little greenie and the guys at Express Oil.

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