Lake effect snow. Now this is the northern Indiana I know - cold and snowing and I'll bet those roads are slick. We have a fire going and are ready to hunker down. I am wondering what it would have been like had the Bears/Saints game been this weekend, rather than last. It would have been true Vince Lombardi/John Madden football.
My mother has three outdoor cats that come onto the back porch to sleep; well, Tippy likes to go out and check out the night life, even though he has been "fixed." Probably he is checking out the mouse supply, and apparently partaking since Mother says even often is not hungry for breakfast.
I don't know how much snow is out there - I am working up my courage to go check.
*** Shoot, we may get an inch an hour.
Hi - it's snowing? We haven't had snow (I mean proper snow that settles at least all day) maybe for a decade or more. Of course the odd bit of snow HAS fallen and made everyone's gardens go white all morning. But usually by mid afternoon it's mostly gone. We've had nothing at all like that this year. I remember about 15 years ago we had a genuine cold snap, I was riding a bike over basically a sheet of ice. But we don't get cold weather like that anymore.
In the 1500s, 1600s people used (aparently) to go ice skating on the (London River) Thames every winter. It was a traditional thing. I've seen paintings of it.
But now with this global warming jazz, it just doesn't happen.
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