The water department is here to shut off the water.

Strawser Bros. arrives.

Water is still flowing from the connection and the water department returns to "tweak" the valve and a pump is brought in to empty the hole.

This is the part that was at fault - some six plus feet under the ground. As it was explained, the connection on the end of the pipe is a flare fitting in which the copper pipe is stretched to make the connection. The stretching of the copper thins it and facilitates corrosion. This method of attachment has not been allowed in Kendallville for several years, so this fitting is "aged."

This is the hole after the pipe has been replaced and the standpipe reattached. The top of the standpipe which holds the water cap is visibile at the very top of the picture. This water cap is normally a few inches under the surface; dirt now covers the replaced pipe.
It amazes me that water that contains as much calcium and lime as Kendallville's does can still be corrosive.
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