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    Thursday, February 21, 2008

    I thought I had written about American Gangster

    I watched it yesterday while I was transcribing - one of my least favorite things to do - and I thought I had written about it. Obviously, I must have done that in one of my alternate universes. But now I am not thinking about American Gangster; I am thinking that I will have to go start the diesel in a couple of minutes so it will be purring when the kids have to go to school.

    I am also thinking that I am so glad that wretched transcribing is done. I usually put it off and put it off and then wind up doing it under a great deal of pressure all in one big surge. It is like hitting yourself in the head with a rock for an extended period of time. One option I'm considering is just doing a wee bit at a time, but that would mean planning ahead, and it would mean several separate times in which I whack my head with a rock. I really hate this chore.

    But American Gangster was good; I think I'll watch it again . . . while I write the darn article. Auggghhhh. Ok, I will write it tomorrow. Tomorrow is good; Saturday might be better.


    At 7:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    With regard to being forced to do things in one big surge, it would be nice if you would transmit the tax data.....


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