Yes, this is where we pay our water bills in Kendallville. I usually have to hurry down here at the last moment because I am a procrastinator. Notice the address: 234. It is a n orderly progression of numbers. Is it a sign that I should be more organized in keeping track of the water bill?
A couple of times I have actually had to have someone hop out of the car, run in a pay the bill while I circle around the block - I call that a "drive-by watering."
You see, the main problem is that you can't pay over the internet and after so many decades of having the phone company tell me to let my fingers do the walking, I have learned to have them walk all over the keyboard. Of course, I certainly could use the exercise of my feet walking - so maybe the City of Kendallville and the water department will help me get healthier - Drink water, stay clean and exercise by walking the bill up to Main Street. Why, it's as easy as 2, 3, 4.
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