My mother will be 80 come October and she was talking this morning about ethanol, the fuel that can be produced with corn. Aha, you see, Mother reads the newspapers, watches the news and frequently has an Internet search for me to do; she knows that the oil companies made big profits and that she is paying $3 for gas.
She also knows that we are too dependent on the Middle East for oil. So Senator Lugar, breathe a thankful sigh, you've got Sarah "Toots" Grismore on your side. Now, as for Governor Daniels, he is still "that boy" since he put us on EASTERN Daylight Savings Time. She calls it GD Time - the GD standing for Governor Daniels sometimes . . . and sometimes G** D***.
You can read The Kendallville Mall article on ethanol and biodiesel HERE which is at PICTURES ON THE MANTLE in the sidebar list.
The picture of the "corn pump" is from The Danish Center for Biofuel.
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