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    Sunday, December 31, 2006


    Today is New Year's Eve. With deaths, a badly broken leg and illnesses in the family, a lot of people have expressed the desire to see 2006 pass into history. I don't know if I believe in the luck or bad luck of one year over another, but given this past one, I do believe I had better work very hard to negate any bad events that might come along in 2007.

    Thursday, December 28, 2006


    Hibernator, Cameron and Bozo* are going to see Night at the Museum tonight at the Strand.

    *Bozo is what Hibernator calls Summer Vance . . . and she likes it!!


    Having managed to re-structure the template after switching to the new Blogger which ATE the all the extra things we had added into our original template, we are here again. We just aren't very coherent. After we altered the new template to include our old segments, the new functions that new Blogger promised don't work. Humph; okay, add another m . . . Hummph.

    Wednesday, December 27, 2006


    Indiana Territory has moved over to the new Blogger site and we are experiencing technical difficulties . . .

    Tuesday, December 19, 2006


    We got the tree up and it is a little crooked and it has about four top tips, which I will admit is outside the norm . . . but we like it anyway. Hibernator and I got the lights - big glow ones - on this afternoon, although my job was to open the boxes and watch him put them up. Now it is time for the ornaments and maybe the grandkids will do those . . . or maybe I will just stand back and throw them on the tree.


    Monday, December 18, 2006


    I am beginning to think that there are several Christmas seasons - the very early hint in October when the areas in stores reserved for Halloween are soon going to be switching to Christmas stuff is the first. The second is the the countdown signs that go up saying 56 shopping days 'til Christmas. Third is when the shelves start being emptied of Christmas decorations, and four is just before Christmas when signs are tattered and the odd stuffed figures lie here and there on shelves. These days Christmas is over before it gets here.
    In fact, I am not certain that Christmas ever comes anymore; the lights are on the outside of the house and garland is on the staircase inside because of the habit of it - that maybe by doing it we will find some good cheer. In actuality, the good cheer should come first and the urge to put up festive lights and greenery be a manifestation of the vitality of that good cheer.


    Last night, a litle before midnight, a train hit a car that tried to weave between the arms that come down to stop traffic because a TRAIN IS COMING. That is basically the sum of my knowledge of the event, other than overheard speculation of bystanders that the police had found the car empty and were looking for the occupants along the track between Riley and Park.

    Sunday, December 17, 2006

    WE'VE GOT A TREE!!!! a charlie brown one

    Here are some photos from the famous tree expedition of 2007:


    Watch out little Christmas trees!! Hibernator is here to cut one of you down for our porch. Yes, by tonight fresh greenery smell will be permeating the house . . . okay, maybe just the porch and the living room. Of course, the air may be a little blue with the language that comes from getting the tree positioned where we want it, versus where it may want to be - lying on the floor, ornaments strewn around it. We actually did have one fall down once; believe me it makes a better funny memory than it does a real time experience.

    Saturday, December 16, 2006

    BLOGGER (Me) and BLOGGER (Host) getting slower

    Now that Blogger as the new Beta version, it seems that it takes a really long time to bring up the post page, but if I hop over to Blogger beta, I will lose my little sidebars, and colors . . . I think. Then, again, there is the blogger herself, which would be me, who has been posting less. Why is that: apathy? laziness? lack of time? too much time sudokuing?
    Hibernator is arriving this afternoon/evening . . . God willing . . . and Sunday we go out and cut a tree. Cameron will be in charge of the saw, so maybe I don't want to think that far ahead.

    Friday, December 15, 2006


    North Side's gym was filled to over-flowing last evening while pre-schoolers through 5th graders each performed two holiday songs. Principal Mrs. Avery told the audience at the beginning that for years the school had been scheduling a performance for some grade levels mid-year, and for others in the spring. "North Side has not had a Christmas program in, oh, 20, years," she said and indicated the teachers wanted to revive the traditon.

    Sunday, December 10, 2006


    Supposed to get up to 45 degrees today. Okay, that means mud and when the tires hit the mud, that means ruts. When the temperature drops, the ruts will freeze . . . and the car will bounce over them. Rats. Tomorrow, the prediction is for 43. After that I don't know - UPDATE: but now I do. The high today was close to 50 degrees, give a little one way or another. I know because I was out in it, to the dentist, to Scott's and to Wal-Mart, where they are already reducing the size of the Christmas area. Santa has come and gone at Wal-Mart and his Coke product throne has been dismantled. In its place are kiosks of those red Christmas flowers, starts with a "P" . . . hmm, must think. Poinsettias. Yes, but is that the spelling? Yes, again . . . a point for the Jody girl.

    Wednesday, December 06, 2006


    Well, "Deck the Halls" is playing at the Strand. It is about two neighbors competing in holiday decorations and I might have gone with a grandchild or two if it did not star Danny DeVito who chose to get drunk and go on "The View" and trash President Bush, referring to him as a stooge.

    I do not appreciate entertainers who take advantage of their celebrity and, in some cases, the integrity of the roles they play to make political statements and judgments. I am expressing that feeling with my feet - not going to the movie - and my pocketbook - not paying to see the movie at the Strand nor on DVD. I regret that this takes revenue away from the local theater, but I will not indicate in any way that I agree with DeVito's behavior.


    Yes, you may not be able to pick up the signal, but I will keep you informed of doings and news, births and deaths and anything else that comes to mind on Radio GLUM on your radio dial . . . er, my radio dial. I usually tune in every day to listen to the Bickering Vances - Robert and Alison - hash over the issues of the day. Also, today is trash night for the area and it has come to my attention, and I have then brought it to the attention of others, that our trash is not stomped properly. SOME people are putting uncrushed boxes into trashbags, not to mention empty, round oatmeal containers. The word of the day, people, is stomp. Yessirree, Bob.


    Yes, you are not imagining it; there have been fewer posts, primarily due to a huge delay with blogger responding to log-ins. Many times in the past few days it has taken a long time to reach the sign in page and then even longer to actually log-in and the posting window. Then there is the time-out event when it comes to actually publishing a post . . .

    Friday, December 01, 2006

    A Picture Share!

    This is Robert at Parkview Orthopaedics waiting to get two screws taken out of his ankle so he can bear weight on his leg for the first time in 3 1/2 months. Everything went fine and we were home around noon.